The old masters like Bach, Beethoven and Mozart learned their craft by model composition. But unfortunately this method is no longer practiced today.
Using this method of composing enables you to:
• Learn about music theory in a fun and engaging way
• Understand musical style and form (Baroque, Classical, Waltz, Minuet, etc.)
• Become familiar with all musical elements (rhythm, dynamics, phrasing, etc.)
Composing doesn't have to be scary
I've developed a process that makes it easy and simple:
Using a process is like following a recipe.
By the end of it, you have created a unique and stunning piece that is 100% yours.
You could enjoy playing through it on your own, marveling at the sounds specially organized by you. Or you could play it for your friends and watch their amazed reaction after they hear who composed the piece!
Couldn't I do this on my own?
It's certainly possible to compose on your own, but having someone to guide you can really help.
Most, if not all of the great composers had teachers to guide them.
- Bach learned from his brother
- Mozart learned from his father
- Beethoven learned from the great Haydn
Nothing beats detailed guidance:
• Helps you achieve your best work
• Gives you accountability to actually complete your composition
• Can now be done online from the comfort of your own home
This isn't just about learning, but also producing:
• Producing something beautiful that you can be proud of.
• Creating something you can enjoy playing, while at the same time learning a whole bunch about music.
You get a crazy amount of value, but most importantly you'll have something to show for all the work.
Online theory/composition courses can cost thousands of dollars (those numbers circled below are in USD)!
• They aren't customized to you
• You don't receive one-on-one coaching
• You don't end up with your own composition